Nat and I, trying to relive our youth, this weekend decided it would be fun to go hang with a bunch of 30/40 somethings at the Def Leppard concert here in Atlanta on Saturday. Needless to say there was *some* drinking going on (admittedly in our camp also). Never mind that people set up camp 8 hrs prior to the shows to get ready for the big event. It was loads of fun hanging with friends shooting the breeze having a few drinks ( I was DD so I stood by the ol' diet Dew ) but the fun part was the MANY "are you twins" from the other concert goers. Now, Nat and I always think it's fun to mess with people, but I have to say it is even more fun when they are drunk or even just a little tipsey. They seem to buy into the crazy stories we come up with a little more easier.
Drunk Woman: Hey, you and that girl over there..you sisters? You all look just a like.
Me: No that is my cousin.
Drunk Woman: Really? Wow that is amazing that cousins can look so much alike.
Me: Well our parents are twins and they married a set of twins, so we technically are sisters.
Drunk Woman: Can that really happen?
Me: What twins marrying another set of twins? Sure all the time.
Drunk Woman: I can't believe how much you all look and sound a like. You all really could be twins.
Me: Really? I have never heard that before. I don't see the resemblance. Plus Nat is like 5 years older than me.
Drunk Woman: She is?? You all should go on Oprah or something with that, cause that is amazing.
Me: You don't look like your cousins? I just thought that was normal.
Drunk Woman: Heck no.. no way I would want to look like my cousins. You all are lucky you all are so cute. You all marry twins also?
Me: No I think twins are creepy..
At this point Nat comes up and ruins the on going messing with the drunk girl.
Nat: Yes we are twins, she is just messing with ya.
Drunk Girl: Aww I knew I wasn't that drunk.