The other day Nat and I were at our gym pool enjoying the sun with her 6 year old daughter. While there I noticed a young dad playing joyfully with his young son in the pool. I would say the child was about a year old. They were having a great time. Then he turned around and I noticed he had ANOTHER adorable son in his arms that looked just like the other one. Ok, then I thought aww even cuter, twin boys. He was having a great time with them. I was really admiring him playing with them in the water by himself. All the while I was wondering, where is mom? Ok, any minute now she is going to sweep in and rescue this dad. He was doing really good I thought to get 5 mins of alone time with his boys. I waited, but to my surprise it wasn't his wife that came up to help him, it was his 5 year old daughter. Now here is this Dad with three young children (in a pool no less) with no support. Now I was really looking around wondering, OK where IS mom? Is she in a class? Is she on the treadmill? One had to wonder. No way this Dad brought all three young kids to a pool for the day all by himself. But, again to my surprise, no wonder mom swooped down to help him. He got all of them out of the pool all by himself. He got them all dried off by himself. He got them juice boxes all by himself. He got them all packed up and out to the car by himself. I was really admiring this guy.
Then I started to think, hey this is what MY dad went through. Yes Nat and I have a brother that is only 2 1/2 years older than us. My parents, like many, both worked. Mom was a nurse so she would work off hours from my Dad to help with child care. There were many times when it was just dad and the kids. From my perspective he did an fantastic job. Although I really don't remember the very early years, there are pictures of Dad and the us from the beach when he would take us. I remember on several occasions him taking us all to the park for the afternoon. From what my mom has told us, he never would shy away from his child care duties. He was a really good dad and I wonder if when he took us out by himself, if people looked at him like I was looking at this guy here at the pool.
I don't know why it is surprising to people to see a dad out with the kids alone when we see mom's out all the time with them? I guess it is more expected with the mom's of the world, but why should it be? My sisters husband loves taking care of their daughters when he can. But, I do have close friends that practically have to beg and/or exchange "favors" to get their husbands to watch the kids. Just made me appreciate my dad a lot more, he was always there for all three of us and still is.
But, I think there is something more to be said of Dad's of twins and/or multiples when on their own. They get special kudos in my book!
Love ya dad!
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