
Nat and I, trying to relive our youth, this weekend decided it would be fun to go hang with a bunch of 30/40 somethings at the Def Leppard concert here in Atlanta on Saturday. Needless to say there was *some* drinking going on (admittedly in our camp also). Never mind that people set up camp 8 hrs prior to the shows to get ready for the big event. It was loads of fun hanging with friends shooting the breeze having a few drinks ( I was DD so I stood by the ol' diet Dew ) but the fun part was the MANY "are you twins" from the other concert goers. Now, Nat and I always think it's fun to mess with people, but I have to say it is even more fun when they are drunk or even just a little tipsey. They seem to buy into the crazy stories we come up with a little more easier.

Drunk Woman: Hey, you and that girl over sisters? You all look just a like.

Me: No that is my cousin.

Drunk Woman: Really? Wow that is amazing that cousins can look so much alike.

Me: Well our parents are twins and they married a set of twins, so we technically are sisters.

Drunk Woman: Can that really happen?

Me: What twins marrying another set of twins? Sure all the time.

Drunk Woman: I can't believe how much you all look and sound a like. You all really could be twins.

Me: Really? I have never heard that before. I don't see the resemblance. Plus Nat is like 5 years older than me.

Drunk Woman: She is?? You all should go on Oprah or something with that, cause that is amazing.

Me: You don't look like your cousins? I just thought that was normal.

Drunk Woman: Heck no.. no way I would want to look like my cousins. You all are lucky you all are so cute. You all marry twins also?

Me: No I think twins are creepy..

At this point Nat comes up and ruins the on going messing with the drunk girl.

Nat: Yes we are twins, she is just messing with ya.

Drunk Girl: Aww I knew I wasn't that drunk.

Are you two related?
Are you sisters?
Are you two twins?
Do you feel each others pain?
Can you read each others minds?
Have you ever switched boyfriends/classes?
How far apart are you?
Who is the oldest?
Do you like being a twin?

You name it, we’ve heard it. I guess after 36 years, you are bound to hear every twin question and comment out there, but for some reason it always still surprises me. It usually starts off with a glance between the two of us. The eyes will dart to her, then to me, then back to her. Then you get the look of confusion on their face and you know it’s coming. You try to prepare and generally it’s the simple “are you two twins”, to which the standard response is a swift “yes”, in unison, and then quickly changing the subject. But there are a few who don’t want to leave it at that and then Jen and I become their dog and pony show and the 100 questions begin. It’s really bad if it is a waitress or someone on a plane/train/bus, because there is no escape. You must just politely nod and answer their questions. Sometimes, if we are in a playful mood, we will answer questions with some crazy answers. The best one is “Can you read each others minds”. We love to mess with people on this one. We just look at each other and stare the other one down. This really confuses them and usually will end all the questions there. The question that always gets us though is the “do you like being a twin?” How are you supposed to answer that? Usually Jen will fire back “how do you like being a single?” We know no other way.

I guess the best thing I have heard in relation to being a twin, was we were at a checkout, the girl behind the counter did the eye dart thing, and then the question came, “are you all twins”, we said “yes”. Then, the kicker comes out of her mouth…”I’ve never seen ‘old’ twins before”. Jen and I just looked at each other in confusion. That was a new one.

I told Jen I would post more here, so I will do my best. The one thing that differentiates her and I is that I am married and have two kids, so time can be of an issue for me. I will make an effort to post my random thoughts, not just on life as a twin, but any randomness I can document.

The other day Nat and I were at our gym pool enjoying the sun with her 6 year old daughter. While there I noticed a young dad playing joyfully with his young son in the pool. I would say the child was about a year old. They were having a great time. Then he turned around and I noticed he had ANOTHER adorable son in his arms that looked just like the other one. Ok, then I thought aww even cuter, twin boys. He was having a great time with them. I was really admiring him playing with them in the water by himself. All the while I was wondering, where is mom? Ok, any minute now she is going to sweep in and rescue this dad. He was doing really good I thought to get 5 mins of alone time with his boys. I waited, but to my surprise it wasn't his wife that came up to help him, it was his 5 year old daughter. Now here is this Dad with three young children (in a pool no less) with no support. Now I was really looking around wondering, OK where IS mom? Is she in a class? Is she on the treadmill? One had to wonder. No way this Dad brought all three young kids to a pool for the day all by himself. But, again to my surprise, no wonder mom swooped down to help him. He got all of them out of the pool all by himself. He got them all dried off by himself. He got them juice boxes all by himself. He got them all packed up and out to the car by himself. I was really admiring this guy.

Then I started to think, hey this is what MY dad went through. Yes Nat and I have a brother that is only 2 1/2 years older than us. My parents, like many, both worked. Mom was a nurse so she would work off hours from my Dad to help with child care. There were many times when it was just dad and the kids. From my perspective he did an fantastic job. Although I really don't remember the very early years, there are pictures of Dad and the us from the beach when he would take us. I remember on several occasions him taking us all to the park for the afternoon. From what my mom has told us, he never would shy away from his child care duties. He was a really good dad and I wonder if when he took us out by himself, if people looked at him like I was looking at this guy here at the pool.
I don't know why it is surprising to people to see a dad out with the kids alone when we see mom's out all the time with them? I guess it is more expected with the mom's of the world, but why should it be? My sisters husband loves taking care of their daughters when he can. But, I do have close friends that practically have to beg and/or exchange "favors" to get their husbands to watch the kids. Just made me appreciate my dad a lot more, he was always there for all three of us and still is.

But, I think there is something more to be said of Dad's of twins and/or multiples when on their own. They get special kudos in my book!

Love ya dad!

Met Nat for lunch today and it was great! We had one of our favorites sushi, buffet at that!

But we must be loosing our touch, only 3 people asked us if we were twins. We did have Nat's usual Batista confused though at the Target Starbucks. She wanted to know if we were the "same" drink?

For record, Nat is a Venti Americana and I am a Venti non-fat 7 pump chai latte.

So Natalie by my own admission was always more athletic than I was. She just had more endurance or maybe just more drive LOL. But, about a year ago she finally got me to try the "running" thing. Ok, I had used EVERY excuse in the book NOT to have to take up running. You know like the "my knees can't take it" or "I am just not a runner", yadda yadda yadda. But, In my journey to a more healthy lifestyle and fitness, I was at a point were I wanted to try it.

Last August our brother Patrick and Nat and I all decided we were going to do a sprint triathlon together in St. Petersburg at the end of October. It would take some serious training on my part, but Nat I think was ready to go. So, she got me on a training regime and I started on the treadmill, working my way through it. We joined a new fantastic gym Lifetime Fitness that had both an indoor lap pool and outdoor lap pool. We would take our bikes over to the Silver Comet Trail and do our rides there. I was NOT looking forward to the running part, it was what I was most worried about (never mind drowning in the Gulf of Mexico). But, for all my bitching and whining about running, I am glad I got on board with it! It does wonders for your body!

Long story short, I finished with what I thought was very good numbers for my first one and we had a great time!

I thought that after the race was over, I would go back to my "I can't run" mantra, but something happened, I actually was starting to like this running thing. So, I kept with it and this past July 4th Nat and I, side by side completed the "Peachtree Road Race" here in Atlanta. It was my first 10K and Nat's second and we both did really well I thought. We ran the whole 10K at just about an hour. I was highly impresses with myself considering that this time last year all I was running was late.

I have to give props to Natalie for showing me I could do it. I think it's the best thing she ever talked me into!

So Nat and I get questions religiously about what it is like to be an identical "Twin". Well, for me personally I don't know any different, LOL. Maybe you can tell me what is like to be a "singleton". What I do know is that since conception I have had a best friend built right in. I have met identical twins that have nothing in common and barely are able to relate to one another, I honestly do not get that. I guess because Nat and I are so much alike, it is hard for me to grasp that idea. I honestly don't know if it is a "twin" thing per say that we are so much alike or just the fact that we have have been so close to one another and we just take on traits of one another. There is hardly a time where Nat likes something and I just do not care for it, for example her coffee addiction. I think it is a vial liquid LOL. As kids if we ever did fight, it was about who was going to wear that shirt to school that day or who would drive for a night out, stupid stuff. As adults, we never fight. Sure we get upset at things who doesn't, but in the end we never hold grudges with one another, we just don't.We go through phases of looking like one another and right now it seems like we are in one of those phases of looking alike. It is NOT on purpose mind you, but when we go out together we get the "stares". We even had one lady tell us last week "I wanted to say something, but I know you all probably get that all the time", we thanked her, but in the end she still said something LOL. I think it is our mannerisms also, we do talk and gesture just a like, our Dad still can not tell us apart on the phone. When I call their house and ask to speak to Mom, he will say "it's your daughter", he doesn't know LOL. So what brought this little note on? Well Nat shared this little video with me today and I just thought it was so cute. Yes, Nat is happily married with Kids, but I am still on the market and I thought if anyone out there needed to know how to date a twin, this would be a good little lesson for you.


How to Date a Twin
How to Date a Twin


My name is Jennifer, I am a 36 year old identical twin. Yes, I am the oldest one by 6 mins. My sister, Nat and I want to share some of our experiences with you in the form of a blog.

From the beginning we have always been close and we still are even at 36. Since we are close and we do a lot of things together, when we go out we get the ever present "are you twins" at least once. I still can not believe some of the responses we get, some people just have no qualms about asking you anything, even of personal nature. So, it that spirit we want to share with some of you the experiences of twins. Sure it is not always thrilling, but sometimes it is just down right funny. Maybe we will talk about other things also, who knows.

So for now just Hi. I will get on Nat to do an introduction!